A Brief History of Troop 363 Since 1994
Dr. Flood, 1989 - 1993
Bo Strickland 1993
Dr. Ross McClellan, Fall of 1994 - January 1998
Curtis Miller, January 1998 - present
Campouts: Monthly, including Enchant4ed Rock, Lost Maples, Camp Fawcett, Hords Creek Lake, the USS Lexington, Balmorhea / Fort David State Park, Colorado Bend, Carlsbad Caverns, Hords Creek, and many more
Canoe Trips: A yearly trip is taken in May down the Llano River
Hikes and backpacking are often incorporated into camping trips. The older boys sometimes schedule more challenging backpacking campouts, such as one to the Weminuche wilderness in southwestern Colorado in 1998.
Service projects: quarterly trash pick-up, assisting with Cub Scout meetings and cross-overs, built spring covers for Buffalo Trails Scout Ranch, Christmas bell ringing for the Salvation Army, Painting Nativity sets for Southland Baptist Church, helping with Christmas in April, active involvement in each other's Eagle projects.
Junior Leader Training
Merit Badge Workshops and merit badge related field trips
Summer Camps: Buffalo Trails Scout Camp, Camp Sol Mayer, Camp Wehinahpay in New Mexico
Troop size and involvement level:
Troop 363 fluctuates around an average of 40 - 50 boys who are extraordinarily active. The September 2000 Court of Honor is typical: 38 boys earned a total of 147 merit badges, 31 rank badges, and 10 special awards (Mile Swim, Snorkeling, World Conservation Award).
Five boys have earned Eagle in the past two years (see attached list); 16 boys have their Life rank and are actively working toward Eagle.
Troop Leadership:
Senior Patrol Leaders since 1994 have included Shaun Strickland, Clayton Sheppard, Justin Hagelstein, Stephen McCullough, Matt Miller, James Matthews, Ben Miller, Carl Gabriel and William Davis.
The junior troop leadership meets monthly with the adult leaders to plan the upcoming campouts and meeting programs.
Three of our most recent Eagles, Conard Davis, James Matthews and Matt Miller, plan to serve as Junior Assistant Scoutmasters.
Troop Distinctions:
Sponsorship of Council Merit Badge Workshop in 2000, and coming in 2001 Stephen McCullough, Eagle Scout, attended Philmont Boy scout Camp in 1999 Troop 363 won a special service award at Buffalo Trails Summer Camp in 1999 and 2000
Michael McClellan, James Matthews, Chris Brundrett, Clayton Sheppard, and several others attended the National Jamboree in the summer of 1997.
Ross McClellan and Jon Davis, assistant scoutmasters, have been instrumental in the "Adopt-a-spot" program at our local Camp Baden-Powell, resulting in considerable improvements to that facility. Troop 363 was the first troop to adopt a spot. Since that time numerous improvements have been made by several troops and packs and the project has flourished with much grater use of the property. Ross and Jon have been involved in a Council committee working to maintain and optimize the Council's property holdings.
The parents of Troop 363 have remained steadfastly supportive and involved with the Troop. Current assistant scoutmasters in Ron Gabriel, Bill Wyatt, Carl Schwaighofer, Jon Dave, Kent Hill, David Melton, and Renard Fanzlan. These men focus on working with Scouts on specific rank advancements and specific badges. The Troop committee is very active, enabling the ambitious Troop program to be possible.